An individual loan solution with flexible terms and acceptable personal guarantee, tailored for micro-enterprises and small businesses. Use the loan to expand your business operations, whether to meet working capital needs or to finance asset purchases and unlock growth opportunities with Karobar Plus Loan.
Unsecured: up to PKR 350,000
Secured: up to PKR 3,000,000
Up to 3 Years
Markup to be paid monthly/quarterly and Principal to be paid at maturity
Business annual income less than Rs. 1,200,000/- (Net of Business Expenses)
Age between 22-60 years (1st loan cycle) 63 years (For subsequent loan cycle)
Business experience of minimum of 2 Years
Holding valid CNIC/SNIC
Not defaulter of any financial institutions & Public Utilities.
Residing in launching cities for at least 1 year in case of owned residence and 2 years in case of rented house
Yes - Mandatory (Any Salaried Person / Business Man).
Up to 3 Years
Markup to be paid monthly/quarterly and Principal to be paid at maturity
Unsecured: up to PKR 350,000
Secured: up to PKR 3,000,000
3-5 Days
As per SOBC
*Terms & conditions applicable.
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