MMBL’s Digital Partner Onboarding Process
Digital Partner Onboarding Process
MMBL’s Digital Partner Onboarding plays a key role in determining our relationship with our prospect and existing customers and is a critical part of the partner experience journey. We guarantee you a fast and simple partner registration
process, in order to become MMBL’s registered partner.
Our new digital onboarding process is hassle free and will guarantee you a fast and simple experience. To ensure a seamless experience, please have the below documents ready before you start the process. The entire process shall
not take more than 30 – 45 minutes.
Important Information:
All new Business Partners are required to complete this form and submit it along with the documents mentioned in the below checklist. If any of the documents are not included with the form, please state the reason in remarks
All sections of this form must be completed and all requirements must be fully complied with. Incomplete forms will not be processed and business partner will have to register again.
Where question is not relevant please enter “Not applicable”.
Registration with Mobilink Microfinance Bank Limited (MMBL), if accepted, does not constitute any obligation for MMBL to guarantee any Bidding invitation, contractual awards or any order for product or service.
For section 9 of this form “Relatives” include parents, step parents’ siblings, step siblings, children, step children, spouse, aunts / uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, in laws, nieces and nephews.
Once registered with MMBL, the business partners agree to comply with all current and future Terms and Conditions of code of conduct of VEON / Mobilink Bank.
All queries regarding registration should be directed to Procurement Unit of MMBL Official Email ID: .
Once complete and correct information is received, MMBL will revert in 2 – 3 weeks on the registration status.
Documents Required for Uploading:
Company Profile
NTN & STRN Certificate
Incorporation Certificate / Sole Proprietor / Partnership Deed
CNIC of Owner(s) / Passport copies in case of foreign company
Member of Board of Directors along with soft copies of CNIC
Bank Statement (Latest 1 Year)
Financial Statement with Audit report (Latest 1 Year) (If applicable)
List of Products and Service you are able to provide.
List of offices and branch offices with complete address and contact numbers.
Proof of experience / Experience certificates etc.
ISO Certificate (Where applicable)
Bank Maintenance Letter issued by the Bank (Clearly mentioning the bank name, account number, IBAN and account title)
Power of attorney of authorized personnel [Attested by Notary Public] (Where applicable).
Terms & Conditions
Business Partner Code of Conduct
Please read Business Partner Code of Conduct first.
Rules of doing Ethical Business
Business or its partners (including agents / subagents) or shareholders / owner(s) have never been convicted, charged with or committed a crime.
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) have complied with all applicable tax laws and shall provide all information, documents and evidences related to tax laws compliance to MMBL as and when required.
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) are compliant to the law regarding the protection of minors and women, including workplace conditions, hygiene, safety, trade union rights or the rights of association
and representation required by the law of country of operations.
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) do not employ or contract child labour (below the age of 15)
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) possess valid qualification and eligibility to perform the services and / or sell the goods under applicable laws and regulations.
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) are compliant with the requirements of applicable anti-bribery laws and prohibition on all forms of corruption, and certifies that it has not taken, and will not take,
any action in connection with the proposed relationship or transaction with the bank that would violate any such law or prohibition
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) will not give any inappropriate gifts, money and entertainment or any other kind of favouritism to the Bank Employees in future.
Business or its partners or shareholders / owner(s) are not engaged in any kind of dealing with countries, entities or individual on which international sanctions related to export or other dealings have been imposed.
All the information provided and will be provided by MMBL shall be the property of the MMBL and shall not be used or disclosed to any person or organisation without prior written consent from MMBL.
Standards of ethical behaviour that are consistent with those articulated in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles (Appendix I) are maintained.
UNGC Principles
Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and avoid complicity (direct or indirect) in human rights abuses
a) Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
b) Elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
c) Effective abolition of child labour
d) Elimination of direct and indirect discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
a) Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
b) Practice for operations and products that confirms commitment to care for health and environment
c) Measure, track and communicate progress in incorporating sustainability principles into business practices, including reporting against global operating standards with sustainability targets and indicators (economic, environmental,
d) Established corporate or individual company policy on the use of environmentally sound technologies
a) Work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery
b) Anti-corruption policies and programs within the organization and business operations
I accept all Terms and Conditions of MMBL along with MMBL and VEON code of conduct
Documents Check List
1. Incorporation Certificate/ Partnership Deed / Form C.
2. Copy of CNIC of Owners
3. Copy of CNIC of Board of Directors.
4. Attested (by Notary Public) Copies of Power of attorney of authorized personnel.
5. Colour copies of Valid Foreign Agency Agreement/ Dealership Certificate / Distribution Certificate, if applicable.
6. Colour copy of National Tax Number Certificate.
7. Colour copy of Sales Tax Registration Certificate.
8. Colour copy of ISO Certificate, if ISO certified.
9. Company Profile with past experience. Details of major supplies / contracts / services / projects, over the last two years with values and corresponding client names along with work evidence.
10. Bank Maintenance Letter issued by the Bank (Clearly mentioning the bank name, account number, IBAN and account title).
11. List of Products and Service you are able to provide.
12. Latest Financial Statement along with Audit Report.
13. Latest one-year bank Statement.